What's new on this page? (02 Apr 2006)

On a roll now... more stuff to catalogue...

Years before I had any real knowledge of French bikes, I had a little brake arm from a set of Lefol cantilevers. Something about it always appealled to me, even when, in my ignorance, i thought the stamping read "Kefiel" because Lefol's signature starts off with an "L" slightly askew. From there it went on to the simple elegance of their fenders, and when I couldn't find a page on Lefol's work, not even among the Japanese pages, I figured, well, what the heck.

As always, assistance is greatly appreciated - If you've got more info for me, please do contact me!

garde-boue | pare-golf | freins et poignées | jantes | etc.

~1950 Lefol catalogue (.pdf format, 10.7 MB)

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